Monday, March 15, 2010

Blue Award 09: Nominierungen

Für den Blue Award 09 nominiert wurden folgende 10 Projekte:

re-structuring the development along a non-perennial river (Entwurf) | conservation vs. heritage (Entwurf) | the royal trees (Entwurf) | SCHAP! school and production (realisiert) | gerald - Hightech vs. Lowtech - Nachhaltige Wohnprojekte für die Mongolei (Entwurf) | rural andes subsistence (Entwurf) | auditorium complex in padua (Entwurf) | surPLUShome (realisiert) | hygro shell (Entwurf) | pla(n)tform (Entwurf)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blue Award 09

International Award for Students of Architecture and Regional Planning:

„building for an environment worth living in“

Sustainable development, with its economical, cultural and social dimensions in architecture and urbanism, should be given the same value and attention as the classical problems of technique and function. The language of contemporary architecture is to experience a fundamental change under this influence.

The BLUE Award Competition pursues the following objectives:

  • the BLUE Award wants to recognize the commitment of students and tutors who have made the competition’s topic part of their teachings and education.
  • the BLUE Award intends to organize a collection of student design work which addresses the issue of sustainability in architecture.
  • the BLUE Award shall provide an impulse for improving teachings in the area of sustainability.
  • the BLUE Award aims at making possible and intensifying the exchange between different faculties and architecture schools on an international level.

The BLUE Award will be handed out in three categories:

  1. Urban Transformation and Development   The emphasis of this category spans from urban redevelopment, renewal, and restructuring of existing city fabric to development of new housing structures and typologies. Concepts dealing with self-sufficient housing developments, environment friendly forms of mobility, and new interpretations of open/public spaces in urban areas are equally important to this category.

  2. Building with Ecological Systems   Sustainable building touches upon the entire act of form-giving. Submitted projects are to reveal the basic principles of sustainable planning and construction, including its social, economical and ecological factors, in the form of an architectonic design.

  3. Building in Existing Structures   The topics of this category are methods of renovation, adaptation and conversion. Beyond these usual themes, projects will be awarded which succeed in increasing signifi cantly the average longevity and usage capacity of existing structures, as well as projects which reduce the volumetric demand of new construction.

An international jury, presided by Prof. Thomas Herzog, will choose the prize winners in each of the three categories. The awards ceremony will take place in April 2010 at the Vienna University of Technology.

The winning entries will be presented to the public in an exhibition and published catalog.

Contact persons:
DI Dr. Franz Karner

DI Dr. Anton Kottbauer